Aloe Vera Benefits for Skin Care
In 1935, Aloe Vera was used to treat third-degree X-ray burns and to treat atomic radiation burns.
Applied to wounds, the aloe vera gel not only reduces pain and infection, it helps the regrowth of new & healthy tissues and skin. Scarring can be reduced significantly by using it. Isn't it wonderful? Aloe Vera can also help removing scars and marks from skin.
* Aloe Vera Helps cleanse your digestive system. (like I said, food is important, no wonders, its juice is widely used for skin treatment, use it as a drink or just swallow the gel.)
* It gives you a natural energy boost.
* It helps the hydration of your skin.
* It encourages renewal of skin cells, and soothe your skin.
* It Supports your Immune System.
For women, its gel is useful in many ways. If you apply it on your face before applying make up, it will protect your skin from dying and adverse effects of cosmetics.
The gel is also very effective as an anti ageing ingredient. The Vitamin C and E in aloe vera gel helps the skin to maintain its firmness and protects the skin from dehydration.
Find an aloe-vera plant in your vicinity. Now, just break a leaf, break it into two and use the extract or the juice mixed with natural rose water for best skin protection from tanning and clogging. This also helps to overcome the skin allergies, rashes and itching.
Take few leaves and mash them. Add the juice of one lemon. Apply it on the affected area. Rinse well with cold water after 15 minutes. It will also act as a cleanser for your skin. For the treatment of dried and chapped lips, put some of its gel on your lips, it will heal your lips and leave your lips soft and smooth.
These are the enough good reasons for you to add this herb as a constant ingredient in your daily life. So, next time you have a pimple spot or mark on your face, apply a small quantity of its gel and see the miracle yourself! Trust me, aloe vera is magical. Experience the magic of this natural herb for skin care. and enjoy a healthier & brighter skin forever!
Hina Naqvi is a professional beauty expert, writer and fashion guru. She reveals magical tips about the skin and unveils the facts about how to be young.
She loves to share her knowledge and expertise with the whole world. She provides organic skin care tips for beauty, skin care, anti-ageing, health and fitness.